Product Overview
BONDERITE® L-GP PRODAG (also known as Prodag) is a water based, graphite diecasting lubricant for superior casting release in aluminum permanent mold applications. The product forms a smooth continuous film to provide exceptional release, improved surface finish and mold protection.
Spray application ensures more uniform coating thickness, more complete coverage and lower friction values.
BONDERITE L-CA 193 and BONDERITE L-CA 395, water based refractory dispersions, are frequently used as base coatings for BONDERITE L-GP PRODAG. Using either BONDERITE L-CA 193 or BONDERITE L-CA 395 with BONDERITE L-GP PRODAG provides a composite film having good thermal insulation properties together with excellent release.
Features & Benefits
Protects against mold erosion, increasing mold life and reducing related downtime.
Non-toxic, non-flammable and smokeless.
Water used as concentrate diluent.
Product Specifications
Pigment: Process micro-graphite
Concentrate Consistency: Soft paste
Diluent: Water
Solids content: 30%
Density: 10 lbs/ gal
pH: >=10
Shelf life: 12 months from date of qualification under original seal